Pam Rhodes
Our Patron
City Chorus is delighted to have Pam Rhodes as Chorus Patron. She has been the familiar face of BBC Television’s SONGS OF PRAISE programme for more than twenty years. In that time she has interviewed people ranging from The Pope to Dolly Parton, earning herself a reputation as a highly professional and empathetic interviewer, especially when dealing with sensitive, perhaps traumatic experiences.
SONGS OF PRAISE is the perfect programme for a presenter who truly loves hymns, old and new. If you mention almost any hymn you can think of to Pam, she’s likely to come back with the full story of who wrote it and why, as well as giving you renditions of a couple of tunes to which it can be sung – as you’d know if you’ve ever dipped into her weekly radio programme ‘ WITH HEARTS AND HYMNS’ which have featured on Premier Christian Radio for the past eight years!
She has presented televised recordings in venues from the Sydney Opera House to the Royal Albert hall in London, and is often asked to compere large orchestral or musical events at theatres and churches around the country. Pam is also well-known as an entertaining after-dinner speaker, as well as a mainstream author with five novels and nine non fiction books under her belt.
Dear to her heart are the charities, both national and local, with which she is regularly involved, often as a patron.
She is married to Richard Crow and lives with the family at a small holding in Bedfordshire where they run a large cattery which also boards cats for the RSPCA. So Pam is likely to be found cleaning out cat pens most days – or pottering round the garden when she’s not happily tied to the computer by her first love of writing! She enjoys dancing too. In fact, she and Richard met at a modern jive class where he threw her into a ‘Seducer’ move – and she’s been there ever since!